Monday, August 31, 2015

Angus in Action Sale Entry Form

Click here to fill out the online version of the 2015 Angus in Action Sale entry form.

Click here to view and print the 2015 Angus in Action Sale entry form.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

2015 Ivomec Angus Classic Results

The following are the placing results from the 2015 Ivomec Angus Futurity held at the Provincial Exhibition on Friday, August 21st.  Thank you to the judges: Bennett Crane, Kurt Duncan, and Ralph Irving.

The 2015 Futurity Committee would like to thank:
Merial Canada Inc. and its Maritime Representative, David Meyers for their continued support of the Futurity.
The Maritime Angus Association for its ongoing financial support of the Futurity.
Bull Calf
  1. JEM Cinch 2C  – JEM Farm
  2. Hunter Acres Panther 1C – Hunter Acres
  3. MFS All Class 7C – Mutch Farms
  4. JEM Cinch 2C – JEM Farm
  5. MKHF Crossroad 502C – MacKinnon Homestead
  6. MKHF Coal 504C – MacKinnon Homestead
  7. Bannockburn V. Upward 8C – Bannockburn Valley Farm
  8. HMF Dark Horse 4C – James Worth
Heifer  Calf
  1. JEM Classy Lady 11C – JEM Farm
  2. MKHF 117W Mistress 501C - MacKinnon Homestead
  3. MFS All Class 6C – Mutch Farms
  4. Wheatley River Lady Cybil - Wheatley River Farm
  5. Red Wheatley River Camille - Wheatley River Farm
  6. MKHF 9X Marion 507C – MacKinnon Homestead
  7. Dusty Breeze Black Cap – Dusty Breeze Farm
Yearling Heifer
  1. Wheatley River Bella 12B - Kyle Younker
  2. Dusty Breeze Bling 3B  – Dusty Breeze Farm
  3. Bannockburn Valley Pride 2B – Bannockburn Valley Farm
  4. HMF Pride 1B – MacQuarrie Brothers
  5. Wheatley River BellaTrix  - Wheatley River Farm
  6. MFS Classy Lady 2B – Hunter Acres
  7. HMF Lori 4B – James Worth
  8. Red Wheatley River Brea – Wheatley River Farm
  9. HMF Lori 3B – James Worth
  10. Clyde River Diamond – MacQuarrie Brothers
Two Year Old with Calf

  1. Bannockburn Valley Rose 11A – Bannockburn Valley Farm
  2. HMF Diamond Blackbird 5A – James Worth

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Old Home Week wrapped up!

Old Home Week is over for another year and I just wanted to thank everyone that helps make the Angus Show run so smoothly!

Thanks to our Judge this week Brent Palsson from Ontario, our judges for the futurity: Bennett Crane, Ralph Irving and Kurt Duncan;  our CAA Maritime Director ,Trevor Welch for being ring man; Bennett Crane for lining up cattle; Trevor MacDonald for superb announcing ( as always!); Kinley and Karly Duncan for their excellent ribbon presenting; Kurt Duncan for gathering sponsorship and prizes for the show, and also posting all results; Joanne Mutch for organizing the social, and prizes from the PEI Angus Association; Sandra and Susan MacKinnon for running all aspects of the PEI Angus Futurity; Hilda Colodey and Les Halliday for tabulating results; Paula Matheson for taking Futurity pictures; Peter Dixon for representing the Angus Association on the OHW beef committee; and all of the sponsors of the show (posted on the blog below).

It takes lots of volunteers to make things run smoothly and many hands make light work!

Congratulations to all of the exhibitors on a great group of Angus cattle, and for surviving the heat wave of Old Home Week 2015!

Great to meet some new Angus breeders from around the Maritimes as well at the show.

I hope to see you all at the Angus shows around the Maritimes in the next few weeks, and the Angus in Action Sale on October 26,2015.

Also- Congratulations to young Angus breeder James Worth who will be representing PEI at the International Livestock judging competition at Agribition this year!


Friday, August 21, 2015

2015 Old Home Week Show Results

Bull Calves-Split # 1
1. JEM Cinch 7C (SAV Cinch 1248) Ernie & Joanne Mutch
2.  Hunter Acres Panther 1C (Royal Stockman 46E) Grant & Donnie McCaffrey
3. JEM Kodiak 16C (Bannockburn Maples Kodiak 29Z) Ernie & Joanne Mutch
4. JEM Cinch 2C (SAV Cinch 1248) Ernie & Joanne Mutch
5.  Bannockburn Valley Upward 11C (JSG Upward 20Z) Boyd Dixon Family

Bull Calves-Split # 2
1.  MFS All Class 7C (SAV Final Answer 0035) Mutch Farms
2   MKHF Crossroad 502C (SAV Net Worth 4200) MacKinnon Homestead
3.  MKHF Coal 504C (Vin-Mar O'Reilly Factor) MacKinnon Homestead
4.  HMF Dark Horse 4C (Limestone Darkhorse U322) James Worth
5.  HMF Iron Mountain 3C (Peak Dot Iron Mountain 654X) James Worth

Bull Calf
Champion-JEM Cinch 7C (SAV Cinch 1248) Ernie & Joanne Mutch
Reserve-Hunter Acres Panther 1C (Royal Stockman 46E) Grant & Donnie McCaffrey

Yearling Bull

1. MFS Unanimous 8B (Vision Unanimous 1418) Mutch Farms

Grand Champion Male-JEM Cinch 7C (SAV Cinch 1248) Ernie & Joanne Mutch
Reserve Grand Champion Male-MFS Unanimous 8B (Vision Unanimous 1418) Mutch Farms

Heifer Calves-Split # 1
1.  JEM Classy Lady 11C (Bannockburn Maples Kodiak 29Z) Ernie & Joanne Mutch
2.  JEM Ariel 10C (Anderson Motive) Ernie & Joanne Mutch
3.  Wheatley River Lady Cybil 3C (Beverly Hills Centennial 503) Glen & Ronnie Ford
4.  Red Wheatley River Camille 7C (Red Lazy MC Honky Tonk 11X) Glen & Ronnie Ford

Heifer Calves-Split # 2
1.  MKHF 117W Mistress 501C (Sitz Upward 307R) MacKinnon Homestead
2.  MFS All Class 6C (SAV Final Answer 0035) Mutch Farms
3.  HMF Diamond Blackbird 2C (Peak Dot Iron Mountain 654X) James Worth
4.  MKHF 9X Marion 507C (Hoover Dam) MacKinnon Homestead
5.  Dusty Breeze Blackcap 3C (SAV Net Worth 4200) Dusty Breeze Farm

Champion Heifer Calf-MKHF 117W Mistress 501C (Sitz Upward 307R) MacKinnon Homestead
Reserve Champion Heifer Calf-MFS All Class 6C (SAV Final Answer 0035) Mutch Farms

Yearling Heifer-Split # 1
1.  Top of the Hill Black Beauty 3B (Silveiras Style 9303) Ernie & Joanne Mutch
2.  Whiskey Lane Kalli 4B (Vision Unanimous 1418) MacKinnon Homestead
3.  Dusty Breeze Bling 3B (SAV Net Worth 4200) Dusty Breeze Farm
4.  Wheatley River Bellatrix 1B (SAV Angus Valley 1867) Glen & Ronnie Ford
5.  Bannockburn Valley Pride 2B (JS Kodiak 1T) Boyd Dixon Family

Yearling Heifer-Split # 2
1.  Wheatley River Bella 12B (SAV 004 Density 4336) Kyle Younker
2.  HMF Pride 1B (SAV Bismarck 5682) MacQuarrie Bros.
3.  MFS Classy Lady 2B (Soo Line Grizzley 9034) Grant & Donnie McCaffrey
4.  Red Wheatley River Brea 6B (Red Lazy MC CC Cut Above 102Y) Glen & Ronnie Ford
5.  Forest Gate Lady Ann 9B (DFCC 33T Bullseye 74Y) Dusty Breeze Farm
6.  Wheatley River Bailey 2B (SAV Angus Valley 1867) Glen & Ronnie Ford

Yearling Heifer-Split # 3
1.  HMF Lori 4B (Bannockburn Valley Kodiak 20Y) James Worth
2.  MKHF 65X Erica 141 2B (SAV Net Worth 4200) MacKinnon Homestead
3.  Bannockburn Valley Rose 45B (JS Net Worth 879) Boyd Dixon Family
4.  Bannockburn Valley Trill 57B (JS Kodiak 1T) Boyd Dixon Family
5.  HMF Lori 3B (Bannockburn Valley Kodiak 20Y) James Worth
6.  Clyde River Diamond 14B (Youngdale Avenger 89S) MacQuarrie Bros.

Champion Yearling-Top of the Hill Black Beauty 3B (Silveiras Style 9303) Ernie & Joanne Mutch
Reserve Champion Yearling-Whiskey Lane Kalli 4B (Vision Unanimous 1418) MacKinnon Homestead

Junior Female Champion-Top of the Hill Black Beauty 3B (Silveiras Style 9303) Ernie & Joanne Mutch
Reserve Junior Female Champion-Whiskey Lane Kalli 4B (Vision Unanimous 1418) MacKinnon Homestead

2 Year Old with Calf at foot
1.  Bonshaw Ariel 27A (Soo Lince Blackman) Ernie & Joanne Mutch
2.  Model Farm Pride 2A (SAV Camaro 9272) Grant & Donnie McCaffrey
3.  Bannockburn Valley Rose 11A (JS Kodiak 1T) Boyd Dixon Family
4. HMF Diamond Blackbird 5A (Peak Dot Resolute 37W) James Worth

Mature Cow with Calf at foot
1.  JEM Classy Lady 15Y (SAV Bismarck 5682) Ernie & Joanne Mutch
2.  JEM Classy Lady 22W (Figure 8 Angus Tom Boy 509R) Ernie & Joanne Mutch
3.  Wheatley River Lady Winter 3W (SAV 004 Density 4336) Glen & Ronnie Ford
4.  Red JD Lann Omeron 18X (Red Leachman Top Brass) Glen & Ronnie Ford
5.  Lindale Lori 2U (Earley Dateline 2M) James Worth
6.  DMM Blackcap 89Z (Soo Line Kodiak 0126) Dusty Breeze Farm

Senior Female Champion-Bonshaw Ariel 27A (Soo Lince Blackman) Ernie & Joanne Mutch

Reserve Senior Female Champion-Model Farm Pride 2A (SAV Camaro 9272) Grant & Donnie McCaffrey

Grand Champion Female-Bonshaw Ariel 27A (Soo Lince Blackman) Ernie & Joanne Mutch

Reserve Grand Champion Female-Top of the Hill Black Beauty 3B (Silveiras Style 9303) Ernie & Joanne Mutch

Breeder's Herd
1.  Ernie & Joanne Mutch
2.  Mutch Farms
3.  Boyd Dixon Family

Progeny of Dam
1.  Glen &  Ronnie Ford
2.  Mutch Farms

Premier Breeder-MacKinnon Homestead

Premier Exhibitor-Ernie & Joanne Mutch

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Charlottetown Veterinary Clinic Gold Show Sponsor

Big thanks to the Charlottetown Veterinary Clinic who is once again sponsoring the Canadian Angus Association Gold Show at Old Home Week in Charlottetown, PE.

The Charlottetown Veterinary Clinic has been in business since 1952 and offers service to both small and large animals.  For more information visit

Sunday, August 16, 2015

2015 Angus Futurity

We have received 32 entries for this year’s Old Home Week Angus Futurity. The breakdown of nominations are: 10 heifer calves, 8 bull calves, 11 yearlings and 3 two-year olds. If you plan not to show an entry, please notify me by Wed. so that I can adjust the program prior to printing.
The show is scheduled to begin immediately following the breed classes on the morning of Friday, August 21.
Merial Canada Inc. is one of the show's major sponsors and has provided us with cash and product. David Myers, Merial Canada representative, has made available to us, 1 x 5 litre and 4 x 2.5 litres of IVOMEC. As in past years the product is available for sale with the dollars raised going toward prize money/revenue. The sale price is $87 for the 2.5 l containers and $120 for the 5 litre container -- prices that are comparable to retail. If you are interested in purchasing product, please contact me.

MacKinnon Homestead

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Phillips Agri Services-Silver Sponsor

Phillips Agri Services is returning as a Silver sponsor of the Canadian Angus Gold Show at Old Home Week in Charlottetown, PE.

Phillips Agri Services has been serving PEI's Agriculture community for over 40 years.  For more information about Phillips Agri Services and the products they sell, visit

Monday, August 10, 2015

Entries for Old Home Week

Entry Numbers:


51 Angus
31 Hereford
29 Simmental
10 Commercial
There will be no Shorthorn show this year.

Breakdown for Angus Classes:

10 bull calves
2 yearling bulls
10 heifer calves
17 yearlings
6  2 year old pairs
6 cow/calf pairs
(2 splits of bull calves, heifer calves, and 3 splits yearlings)

Angus Show and Angus Futurity Show on Friday morning August 21st.

Angus Social follows at Noon time.