Thursday, April 2, 2015

Angus Bull

Lot No: 42
Nappan Bull Test Station

Wheatley River O'Reilly-  ZGR 10B
This bull is sired by, Vin-Mar O'Reilly Factor. O'Reilly has done a very good test this past winter at Nappan. He had a ADG of 4.50 lb/day and ADG index of 120. This was the highest index of the Angus bulls. O'Reilly ended with a weight of 1288 lbs. He had the lowest residual feed intake(RFI) of all the Angus bull and was one of the most feed efficient of all the bulls on test this past winter of -1.95.  

Bull is owned by Glen & Ronnie Ford (PEI) 902-621-2096