Sunday, May 5, 2013

2013 Maritime Angus Association Program and Entry Form

The 2013 Maritime Angus Junior show and Field day is scheduled for June 14-15, 2013. The event is being hosted by the Nova Scotia Angus Association and will take place in Truro and Bible Hill, Nova Scotia.
Animals entered in the Junior Show will be housed in the 4-H Barn on the Nova Scotia Provincial Exhibition grounds in Bible Hill.  The show on Saturday afternoon will take place in the MacMillan Show centre, also on the NSPE grounds.  The annual meeting of the Maritime Junior Angus Association, scheduled for 10:30 am on the 15th will be held in a classroom of the MacMillan building.
The host committee will have muffins and cookies, as well as juice and hot beverages available for the early risers who are working on their animals on the NSPE grounds and visitors to the barn. Lunch will be a beef on a bun meal, with homemade pies for dessert. Pies are being supplied by the Glooscap 4-H club.
The weekend events will kick off with a welcome reception, greetings from civic officials and Association staff at the Holiday Inn and Convention Centre on Prince Street in Truro, beginning at 7:30 pm on Friday. The evening will include presentations and a fun auction, and of course lots of food and hospitality.
The host hotel, Holiday Inn, have a block of rooms set aside for Angus folks, at a rate of $109.-$129 (depending on individual requirements).  When booking, ask for the Nova Scotia Angus block. Rooms will be held until May 15, 2013. Hotel phone number is 1-902-895-1651.
The tentative schedule for the weekend is:
--Cattle may arrive any time on Friday afternoon-June 14, 2013
--Registration and formal activities will begin at the Holiday Inn at 7:30 pm on Friday, June 14, 2013
Saturday-June 15, 2013
--9 am-registration continues-NSPE grounds in Bible Hill
--10:30 am MJAA annual meeting-MacMillan Show Centre
--1:15 pm Junior Show-conformation classes-purebred yearling heifers—purebred heifer 2013 calves-   commercial yearling heifers—commercial 2013 heifer calves.
--showmanship classes will follow conformation classes.
Any questions about the events please call Betty Lou Scott at 902-925-2057 or
1.      Exhibitors must be at least 9(nine) and not more than 21(twenty-one) years of age on January 1, 2013.
2.      Exhibitors must be a junior, annual or life member of the Canadian Angus Association at the time their entry is submitted (May 15, 2013 or earlier).
3.      Exhibitors may show only one animal in each class Substitutes will not be accepted. Cross bred animals cannot show in the championship class.
4.      Deadline for entries is May 15, 2013. PLEASE COMPLY WITH ENTRY DATE.
5.      Each purebred entry must include the NAME, DATE OF BIRTH, REGISTRATION NUMBER AND TATTOO of the animal. Tattoos will be checked on show day.
6.      Entries will be listed in the catalogue in order of animal’s age, and will be led into the ring in order of catalogue entry number. Classes will be split, depending on the number of entries.
7.      Official CAA show vests must be worn by exhibitors.  These may be rented from Betty Lou for show day. (At the MAA annual meeting-December 2012-rental fee was increased to $10.)
8.      Each exhibitor must submit a copy of their animal liability insurance with their entry form.
9.      A copy of the animal’s registration certificate must also accompany the entry.

The Maritime Angus Association provides ribbons for juniors competing in the show.
The Canadian Angus Association Junior Show grant will be divided equally among all CJAA members who exhibit a registered heifer.
The Dick Turner Award will be presented to the exhibitor of the first place purebred yearling female.
The Maritime Angus Association will present a prize to the exhibitor of the second place purebred yearling female.
The Canadian Angus Association provides a Junior Show grant based on the following criteria:
-a minimum of 6 head must be shown to be eligible for the grant
-each junior show participant showing cattle must be a member of the CJAA
-each animal must be registered to count for the grant money
Grant payments are made according to the following grid:
-basic grant of $200 (1-6 animals exhibited)
-an additional $25.00 per head is paid on the next 7-12 animals exhibited
-an additional $15.00 per head is paid out on each animal exhibited over 12 head.
Entry deadline-May 15, 2013
Exhibitor’s Name___________________________________________________________________
Province_____________Postal Code___________Telephone________________________________
Email Address______________________________________________________________________
Exhibitor’s Age___________Date of Birth_______________________________________________
Exhibitor’s CAA Membership Number__________________________________________________
Every exhibitor must submit a copy of their animal liability insurance with their entry form.
Every exhibitor of a purebred animal must submit a copy of the animal’s registration certificate with their entry form.
Exhibitors may enter an animal in each of the following classes. Please  use the back of the form  for additional entries.
(1)Purebred female born in 2013                      (2)Crossbred female born in 2013
(3)Purebred female born in 2012                       (4)Crossbred female born in 2012
 CLASS                Animal’s Name                Date of Birth        CAA Registration  # & Tattoo (Cl 1 & 3)
Sire of Animal______________________________________________________________________
Dam of Animal_____________________________________________________________________
CLASS               Animal’s Name                   Date of Birth          CAA registration # &  Tattoo (Cl 1&3)

Sire of Animal______________________________________________________________________
Dam of Animal_____________________________________________________________________
Please submit completed entry form and copies of insurance coverage and registration papers to:
Betty Lou Scott--840 Mount Thom Road, Upper Mount Thom, NS. B0K 1P0
Fax-902-925-2655 or email