1Z Worth-a-Bit Pride 1Z Double AA Old Post x DD Elevation 127 9440 pedigree here Jan 1/12
This has been a great calf from day 1. Her dam was purchased in this sale in 2009 and her MVF VRD Dateline daughter who was in dam at time of purchase weaned off a 685 lb Connealy Thunder calf in August (1st calf two year old). Deepest and stylish of the three.
Worth-a-Bit Queedy 7Z Worth-a-Bit New Frontier x Stockman 365 son pedigree here. Jan 16/12
7Z was our original offering and she comes from a very good cow family. Soft made and free moving, she will be a great cow. She has the most muscle and pounds of the three.
Worth-a-Bit Queedy 14Z HF Torque 171W x Harmony Hill Abound pedigree here Jan 28/12
The first Torque calf to ever be offered for sale! This calf is moderate framed, sweet fronted and very gentle. She would make a great 4-H project. She comes from the same cow family as TXE 7Z but her dam is a 12 yr old cow that didn't milk well this spring and therefore she is a little behind the other two calves. Lots of potential here.
Check out our crossbred offerings as well as the rest of the catalogue here.