Monday, February 17, 2014

Congratulations to PEI Junior Member Patrick Holland

Congratulations to the outstanding juniors who won the NEW Foundation Legacy Scholarships! Watch for a press release coming soon!
A big congratulations to the 2014 CJAA Scholarship winners Partick Holland (PEI), Kaitlyn Dietrich (AB) and Manitoba girl Breanna Anderson!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Bulls are selling fast!

Worth-a-Bit Angus has 2 yearling bulls still available. Both sired by HF Torque (pictured).

Miltonvale Angus has one bull for sale and is located at Worth-a-Bit for viewing.

Worth-a-Bit Angus will also have bred and open heifers (pure and crossbred) and select cow/calf pairs for sale this spring. Contact Tim 902 432 4771 or

First Angus Calf at Sandbrook Farm

The VandeSande family of Antigonish, NS are currently calving out their first set of Purebred Angus heifers purchased from Worth-a-Bit Angus last spring. Good luck to these new breeders!