I am very excited to announce that the Canadian Angus Association has created a new free service to help you market your Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed tagged feeder calves. The Feeder Calf Listing will list upcoming lots of animals on offer by private sale, through an auction market or internet auction and will be distributed to anyone interested in purchasing Angus influenced calves. List with us and let buyers know when and where your Angus-tagged calves will be sold!
An email will be distributed each Friday listing new groups of cattle. A complete list will be maintained on the Canadian Angus Association website. To have your calves included, complete the attached form “Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Feeder Calf Listing Information” and return it to the Association office. Please include as much information as possible, however; not including some information will not exclude you from participating. Listings will be posted online within 1 business day and included in the next weekly email. This free service will begin on September 16, but you can send us the information now to be included in the first distribution.
I encourage you to sell your calves through a Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Feeder Sale and calves selling at sales can still use this listing. This year there are 169 sales across the country at 67 different auction markets and a complete list of the 2011 sales dates is also available online. Contact your local auction market or any one of the Canadian Angus Association field staff for further information.
The Canadian Angus Association continues to offer free third-party age verification services. Submit the information to the office by fax, email or mail and the completed CCIA birth certificate will be returned to you. Remember to send the information in early: during the fall there is a higher volume of requests and processing delays may occur. Tags are available for purchase year round and can be ordered online or by contacting the Association office.
If you have questions, concerns or comments about any service or program administered by the Canadian Angus Association please let us know.
Thank you for purchasing Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed tags.
Cheryl Hazenberg
Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Tag Program Coordinator

Canadian Angus Association
142, 6715 - 8th Street NE, Calgary, AB T2E 7H7
p 403 571 3580/ 1 888 571 3580 x238
f 403 571 3599